Online Teaching: From the perspective of a tutor

Online Teaching is becoming quite popular, especially among folks who cannot afford the donations and expensive education of metro schools. Online education provides a way to extend the knowledge and impart education to everybody regardless of their financial status. But, like everything, online teaching too has its own pros and cons that we are going to enlighten through this article.

So, let’s get started!

  • Flexibility: Online teaching imparts a sense of flexibility to the tutor. They can pretty much make their own schedule with a few exceptions of standing appointments. They can give time to their family. It is especially beneficial when you have little kids to handle.
  • Build Professional connections: Sometimes it so happens that you need to leave your job because of family responsibilities and when you try to re-enter, a significant resume gap can hinder your progress. Working from home will not only allow you eliminate any resume gaps but build and maintain professional connections.
  • Career growth: While teaching in a brick-and-mortar school model, you have a single option: full-time teaching plus any extras only if you choose to participate in. Online teaching allows you to teach part-time, full-time or as and when it suits you. You can even move to different positions over time like a guidance counselor or a Master Teacher. You can keep growing your professional repertoire and get certifications by utilizing your free time.
  • Extended Savings: No money gets spend on work clothes, vehicle gas, car maintenance or other job-related expenditures. Hence, increased savings.

  • Boredom: No matter how much you save or what benefits you avail, when your workplace and home is same, you can easily go insane. The boredom and negativity will strike you at some point of time.
  • It’s not "really" teaching: Online teachers don’t instruct very regularly. Their main job is to assess student’s work and provide constructive feedback while maintaining communication with all the stakeholders like parents, school districts and so on. 
  • Technology can frustrate you: Sometimes, it so happens that you cannot log in to a class or you get repeatedly kicked out of a meeting. All you can do in such situations is to stay calm and keep going.
  • Missing Real Life interactions: For when you go to a real school, you get to meet your co-workers. You can talk to them and feel rejoiced as opposed to working at home where you can just talk to yourself or television.
  • Less money: No doubt you can save more, but you earn less too. Your salary will be much less than what you get by working in the public school system.
Having said above, choose judiciously what you go for and have happy teaching.