Drop Classroom Management: Go for Classroom Interactions

For all this time, classroom management, often referred to as classroom discipline, has remained a top priority for teachers in schools. Educators have continually rated discipline as one of the most serious obstacle in fostering effective teaching. Although there is no universal definition for classroom management, it usually has two distinct purposes:

It not only intends to establish and promote an orderly environment so that students can engage in useful academic learning, it also seeks to enhance student social and moral development; which directly affects the how, when and how much of learning.

It is believed that learning takes place at a social level when teachers and pupils interact both formally and informally. It is therefore, essential for administrators and teachers to create an environment in the classroom that delivers effective learning experience and make the students feel happy and contended by the education structure.

At the same time, when it is argued that classroom interactions are more important than the discipline or management of class, some scholars still believe that teachers are socialized to accept the fact that the mark of a good teacher is his/her ability to control the class. The amount of control that teachers have in their classroom is marked by the administration as a measure of their quality of an effective teacher.

What happens in Indian Schools?

Presently, in India, school rules, standards and conventions define authorized ‘good’ and ‘proper’ behavior for individual or groups of students. Maintaining discipline in schools is both the right and duty for teachers and adults in positions of authority. Schools appoint students as ‘Class Monitors’, ‘Corridor Monitors’ and ‘House Leaders’ and assign the responsibility of maintaining ‘order’; where punishment and reward play a significant role.

Teachers Professional Sovereignty

Teachers must create an environment to encourage students to share their thoughts and opinions about school events. This helps in establishing social and emotional skills in classroom. Also, it is important that teachers impose as few rules as possible; possibly those that they themselves can follow.

For promoting social and emotional skills, teachers must be given enough sovereignty and freedom to plan their classes. This is essential for ensuring a learning environment that looks out for the student’s diverse needs.

It is essential that teachers engage their students in the process of discipline and reinforce positive behavior, respecting the dignity of students and be unbiased at the same time.