3 Simple Ways to Improve Learning Skills in Kids

All kids have their own specific strengths and weaknesses; and no one is good at everything. While some children are good at mathematics, others find math problems quite confusing and challenging. Similarly, while some kids are good at reading and writing, others struggle to read, write and comprehend written words. Since children do not have a choice to skip the learning subjects they struggle with, parents and teachers holds the responsibility to help them. One of the ways to accomplish this is by incorporating activities that improve learning skills.

Auditory Strategies
Study suggests that some children are auditory learners, which implies they have to hear something to truly retain it. These children are usually good at music, and incorporating rhythm or song into the learning process can greatly help them improve their learning skills. Make a song out of the information that your child needs to memorize, and sing it over and over with your child. In fact, you can find CDs in the market that feature multiplication table set to rap songs. This can considerably help children who struggle with math and face problem in memorizing multiplication tables.

Visual Techniques
Visual learners learn by seeing what they are learning about. You should provide your kids with tools that enable them to learn in a hands-on way. This will help improve their learning skills. Research suggests that allowing a child to use food, like raisins or marshmallows, to solve math problems that involve addition or subtraction can help them a lot. This way, adding or subtracting visually and physically, can improve understanding of specific math skills and allow a child to become actively engaged in the process. Furthermore, visits to the museum or informational events can also improve learning skills.

Communication Strategies
Study suggests:
“Communication between parents and teachers is a vital way to boost learning skills.”
A healthy relationship between parents and teachers can foster development of learning skills. It enables them to work together and ensure that a child is making real progress. Developing a practice of creating a daily report card; and making the teacher send this report card to the parents can help them assess what their child is learning and what additional help he/she may require from home. Thereafter, rewarding students for good reports can further motivate them and boost improvement possibilities.